General dentistry

We do everything we can to ensure that you can go through life with a healthy, confident and joyful smile. Tooth-coloured fillings, root canal treatments, aesthetic dentistry and bleaching are just as much a part of our areas of expertise as all aspects of fixed and removable dentures.

Aesthetics – everything for your most beautiful smile

Tooth-coloured fillings (composite fillings)

With white filling materials made from a mixture of plastic and ceramic, we can restore damaged teeth to their original colour. (in the case of caries or fractures) and restore them. We work as minimally invasively as possible and preserve the healthy tooth structure.


We can give your teeth a natural and gentle whiteness through gentle and professional tooth whitening. We will be happy to advise you on the various options.

Ceramic veneers (veneers)

Using wafer-thin ceramic shells, we can adjust and enhance the colour, shape and position of your teeth according to your wishes.

Simple tooth position corrections (transparent splints, aligners)

We can move your teeth to the desired position using transparent dental splints.

As these aligners are transparent, the people around you will not even notice that you are wearing a aligner. The aligners are very easy to use and can be easily removed for brushing, eating and cleaning.

Stability – everything for a strong bite


A dental crown is used when caries or an accidental injury has caused such extensive damage to the tooth that a simple dental filling is no longer an option. The crown (nowadays mostly all-ceramic) replaces the damaged tooth substance in its original form and thus enables normal chewing, speaking and aesthetic appearance.

Amalgam replacement

We can reconstruct teeth with old, grey metal fillings (amalgam fillings) with composite materials (plastic/ceramic fillings) in a white, aesthetic and tooth-coloured way.

Ceramic partial crowns

In the case of damaged teeth, composite fillings may not be able to provide the necessary stability. In such cases, partial crowns can be made from ceramic. We will be happy to advise you personally on which reconstruction is best for your specific case.

Function – long-term dentures for missing teeth

Implant restorations such as crowns, bridges, prostheses

Missing or lost teeth can be effectively and safely replaced with implants and their restoration. Thanks to our very sound expertise in this field (Dr Schütz is a specialist dentist for oral surgery and has obtained the advanced training certificate for oral implantology SSO), we can advise and treat you competently.


Missing or lost teeth can be replaced with fixed bridges. With this method, no surgical intervention (e.g. implantation) is necessary. The bridge is attached to the neighbouring teeth next to the area to be restored. The traditional bridge consists of a metal core that is veneered with ceramic. Alternatively, an all-ceramic bridge can also be fabricated today, especially in the aesthetically visible area.

Removable prostheses (partial dentures, full dentures)

If several teeth need to be replaced at the same time, dentures (removable partial or full dentures) are a quick, cost-effective, aesthetically pleasing and safe treatment option.

Temporary dentures

Depending on the case, the treatment time for a fixed denture can take several months. Temporary dentures can be inserted so that you never have to do without a tooth during this time. These are quickly fabricated and provide a functional and aesthetic restoration for your missing teeth.

Pain treatment – we help you immediately and effectively

Root canal treatments

Root canal treatment is necessary in the case of inflammation or after the death of a tooth nerve (as a result of a very large caries or a dental accident). The nerve tissue inside the tooth is removed, the root canals are cleaned, disinfected and finally filled. The treatment is time-consuming and requires several sessions, depending on the degree of inflammation.

Following root canal treatment, the teeth in question should be stabilised with a solid dental prosthesis (crown or partial crown). The root canal-treated teeth otherwise tend to break off due to the unavoidable dehydration and the unstable, hollowed-out interior.

Masticatory muscle and temporomandibular joint complaints

During stress or stress processing, the teeth can be strongly pressed together or rub excessively against each other on the chewing surfaces (grinding). Misaligned teeth or missing teeth can also cause overloading and incorrect loading in the tooth-mouth-jaw area.

This can lead to pain in the teeth, jaw joint and chewing muscles. Tension is also possible, which can cause headaches and/or neck tension and pain.

Grinding splints

Grinding splints (Michigan splints) are transparent plastic splints that are attached to a row of teeth (usually in the upper jaw) and are used to treat chewing muscle and jaw joint problems.

The splints are usually worn at night and prevent wear and tear on the tooth structure caused by night-time clenching. In addition, the temporomandibular joint is relieved by the rows of teeth are separated from each other. Ultimately, the cramped muscles should be relaxed.

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